Words, code, and information security in Portland, Oregon

This is the website of Erik L. Arneson. I am a freelance writer and software developer in Portland, Oregon.

Blog Posts

  • Installing Emacs 29.1 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

    You have probably heard by now, but Emacs 29.1 has been released! Here are some reasons to upgrade and how to do so right away if you are running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

  • FOSSY 2023 was Excellent

    This past weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the inaugural FOSSY conference in my home town of Portland, Oregon. FOSSY focuses on free and open source software, and included tracks on community, containers, compliance, diversity, gaming, and education. I got a chance to connect with friends and make new friends. It was an excellent event, and in this post I’ll just focus on some highlights.

  • Update: Org to DOCX with Citations

    Last year, I wrote about converting Org to DOCX with pandoc. Well, that particular method has needed some improvements. I needed to also support converting Markdown files, and more vitally, I needed to support the new-ish org-cite citation format.

  • Writing and Reviewing Jupyter Notebooks

    A recent project involves delivering a finished product as a collection of Jupyter Notebooks. This process involves using Emacs for writing, Git for version control, and a slightly tricky process for enabling non-Jupyter, non-Emacs users to perform document review.

  • Pattern Matching and Tail Recursion in Emacs Lisp

    Functional programming offers a bunch of really cool programming patterns. Two that I really enjoy are tail recursion and pattern matching, especially how they are implemented in OCaml. However, I spend a lot of time writing Emacs Lisp now, and I was wondering if I could find a way to use these patterns in that language.

  • New MELPA Package: ddate

    I recently wrote an Emacs Lisp package to support the ddate command, a classic command-line utility to display dates from the Discordian calendar.

  • An Org-mode to DOCX Pipeline

    Freelance writers need to deliver documents in the format requested by clients. However, frequently the requested format is not the writer’s preferred working format. I like to write in Org Mode, but many clients prefer delivery in Microsoft Word’s DOCX format.

    This is how I generate DOCX files for my clients.

  • Yasnippet and Emacs for Writing

    As a freelance writer, I need to be ready to deliver high quality copy in a timely fashion. My editor of choice for writing is Emacs. I have found that Yasnippet templates have streamlined my writing process.

  • Solving a Returning 404 Error in WordPress

    A WordPress website that I maintain was running into a problem. The most recently published post would periodically lose its permalink and return a 404 error. I tried to find a solution.

  • Migrating from WordPress to Jekyll

    Since launching this site in 2014, it has run on WordPress. I have always wanted to move the site to another blogging platform, especially since I wasn’t really taking advantage of all of the WordPress features.

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