Random Link Rodeo
• Erik L. Arneson
I’ve been working on a few projects, but nothing I can share publicly. However, I’ve also been out in the world of the Portland tech community, which has been excellent. If you haven’t heard of Calagator yet, go check it out.
Last week, I went to a meet-and-greet for developer evangelists from Google Cloud Platform. After talking to one of the Google devs, I was convinced to give Go a try. He told me that Go has type inference, and while I was dismayed to learn that it only has type inference on variable declarations, it still looks like a good language. I’m playing around with sawsij and Google App Engine and should have something to share in a few weeks.
Last night, I went to a PDX WordPress Meetup, where I saw Kronda Adair of Karvel Digital give a presentation called “5 Common Website Owner Mistakes and How to Fix Them.” After the talk, there was some interesting talk about website optimization and the “noisy neighbor” problem in cloud computing.
Next week, I’m looking forward to the PdxDevOps meeting, mostly because I’ve realized that this is what I do most of the time. When I build websites, I tend to handle everything from hosting and system administration through software development.
I’m really impressed by how full and rich the Portland tech community is. So far I’ve met a lot of great people in it, and I look forward to meeting more.